Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Woona and the Banana Bring Sleep Time!

D'aaawww! She's so cute! And random banana is random! I wonder if that's what helped her raise the moon when she was younger!

Good Woona given night everpyony! Enjoy dreamland!


AJ With an Apple!

D'aaaaaawwwww! She's soooo adorable! Her eyes are just so detailed! It's so cute! This has very good hnnnnnngg factor all around!


Book Balance!

Wow! This is some good traditional art! And Twilight looking busy! She must be keeping track of those books! They must be important!


Reading! Reading! Hooray!

Cutely adorable Twi reading an oddly small book! I always find it adorable when ponies have those somewhat large noses! Not sure why! I just find it cute!



D'aaawww! That's adorable! And this guy's art style! I love it so much! All that shiny detail put into the manes and tails! And the amazing shading! I just love it!


Sleepwalking Sun Raising!

Hmmm, daylight savings time strikes Celestia it seems! And it looks like Twi has some shooting to do! I wonder if the sun will make an abrupt drop when she gets tranqed!


Random Image #53

Well this is.... odd, I have no idea what to make of this! This just seems, well odd! I guess some crossover ideas get drawn and maake people wonder!


Twilight SparkOooOOOole!

Wow! She looks kinda like a ghost! Spooky ooky ghost Twi! Cool! But would scare just about half to death if I saw her in front of me!


The Battle for the Book!

That book must be super important if the changelings want it! From the looks of it Twi's fighting back with that book's awesome power!


Trixie's Truth!

I feel like not only does this quote work well with Trixie, but it may work well on the internet in troll battles! I have to remember this one! You'll never know when it'll come in handy!


The Magic of! Something!

Twilight's magic is getting fancier! I just wonder exactly what she's trying to do! Maybe she's trying to get her mouth back! It's hard to tell!


Do as she Commands!

Well Twi, I've been doing that for like 4 stinking days! School makes me too busy! Bleeeeeh! I just have two more assignments left though! Then I'm free! For now!
